الثلاثاء، 24 مايو 2011

Examinations at HCT- Argument 2

Many students at HCT like examinations and also other students dislike examinations. Overall, l will describe the pros and cons of examinations at HCT.
First of all, let me deal first with good side of examinations. Its are difficult which students help them to review the lessons or materials ever day, then the level of students will increase. A second point is that exams equal for all students. For instance, l can know my English level by comparing with my friends of with other students. Lastly, if examinations are difficult that make me study harder which means it keeps me prepared for exams.
Although, l can tell you about dark side of examinations at HCT. The first disadvantage of its are that there is too much material, which means you cannot focus on other subjects. Another reason is that difficult to grade. The most important part at HCT in English and if you prepare well in English than you will put yourself in huge problem.
In summaries, both have advantages but l prefer to make the examinations more difficult because of that students will learn used to on street and that help them in future like in their works.

Visitors to Canada, 1996 to 2006- Line graph 2

This line chart shows visitors to Canada from Spain and Japan. Overall, the Spanish visitor number grows to be almost even with Japan.
Starting in 1996, both countries had difference number of visitor to Canada. The lowest number of visitor was in 1996 from Spain at 300000 visitors in 2003. The highest point of visitors from Spain was in 2004 about 710000 visitors. On other hand, the highest level of visitors from Japan was in 1998 about 880000 visitors. Between 2001 to 2003 Japan are visitors sharply decreased about 300000 visitors. From 1996 to 1990 Spain sharply increased about 330000 visitors, leveling out at 2004 in 2006
In the end, the number of Japanese visitors in totals out numbers the Spanish visitors during the ten years period.

Workers coming to Dubai- Line graph 1

The graph shows worker coming to Dubai from 1990 to2006. Overall, there was a huge increase in the number of worker over this period.
First of all, the biggest change was in number of worker form UK between 2000 to 2006. Beginning from 1990 worker come to Dubai with little increase, from 1990 to 1994 they increased about 20 thousand but after that from 1994 to 2000 had little decrease to about 10 thousand.
Although, the graph also shows worker from Canada. First of all, the period from 1990 to 1992 shows a little increase of about 5 thousand. After that, period they rose sharply from 2002 to 2004 they decreased about 10 thousand but after that they increased again.
In summaries, the number of worker in Dubai increased. However, they seem to meet in number in 2006 and maybe be the same in the future.  

Etisalat blocks- Argument 1

In the UAE, many websites are block for many reasons like religions, sexual and violence. However, do etisalat or the government need to block so, many website? This essay will examine the pros and cons of etsalat blocks internet access to website.
There are several argument in favors of blocks websites. The first point is that it helps family to protect their kids from sexual or violent websites. Another point is that this protects your computer. For example, if they not blocks many websites that will destroy your computer by virus or hacking. Final point is that some websites their goal is corruption and that in against UAE policy.
However, there are many far more convincing argument against block websites. The first point is they educate people. For example, many people want to learn about sexy but because of block websites they cannot learn things. Another reason is to know about other culture, if etisalat blocks website from South America we cannot learn. Final point is freedom, many people want to have freedom to move from website to other freely and can take responsibility for that.
In the end, block website or not both have advantage. However, l believes that block website is better because we can protect our family’s.

الخميس، 19 مايو 2011

Using mobile while driving

Many people think using mobile phone while you drive is dangerous and could affect other people. On other hand, many people think using mobile phone is alright. This essay will examine the pros and cons of using mobile while driving.
First of all, there are many points I could use for making talking on mobiles while you drive illegal. The first point is that you are not focus on a street. For instance, while you drive and use mobile phone, that could be cause of huge accident. Second argument is hearing bad news. For example, if you hear bad news you might get angry and get distracted. The last argue is that you can drive too fast. While you are talking on the phone it is easy to drive too fast.
Although, there are several ideas which could make using mobile phone use legal while you driving. The first point is the emergency situation. For instance, in case of an emergency you need to call somebody for help. Another point is using maps. For instance, if you need to use the map application on your phone, you need to see the screen. Finally, businessmen might use the phone for important calls.
In summary, both argument have advantages, but l prefer to make using mobile phone use illegal while you drive.