الثلاثاء، 24 مايو 2011

Examinations at HCT- Argument 2

Many students at HCT like examinations and also other students dislike examinations. Overall, l will describe the pros and cons of examinations at HCT.
First of all, let me deal first with good side of examinations. Its are difficult which students help them to review the lessons or materials ever day, then the level of students will increase. A second point is that exams equal for all students. For instance, l can know my English level by comparing with my friends of with other students. Lastly, if examinations are difficult that make me study harder which means it keeps me prepared for exams.
Although, l can tell you about dark side of examinations at HCT. The first disadvantage of its are that there is too much material, which means you cannot focus on other subjects. Another reason is that difficult to grade. The most important part at HCT in English and if you prepare well in English than you will put yourself in huge problem.
In summaries, both have advantages but l prefer to make the examinations more difficult because of that students will learn used to on street and that help them in future like in their works.

Visitors to Canada, 1996 to 2006- Line graph 2

This line chart shows visitors to Canada from Spain and Japan. Overall, the Spanish visitor number grows to be almost even with Japan.
Starting in 1996, both countries had difference number of visitor to Canada. The lowest number of visitor was in 1996 from Spain at 300000 visitors in 2003. The highest point of visitors from Spain was in 2004 about 710000 visitors. On other hand, the highest level of visitors from Japan was in 1998 about 880000 visitors. Between 2001 to 2003 Japan are visitors sharply decreased about 300000 visitors. From 1996 to 1990 Spain sharply increased about 330000 visitors, leveling out at 2004 in 2006
In the end, the number of Japanese visitors in totals out numbers the Spanish visitors during the ten years period.

Workers coming to Dubai- Line graph 1

The graph shows worker coming to Dubai from 1990 to2006. Overall, there was a huge increase in the number of worker over this period.
First of all, the biggest change was in number of worker form UK between 2000 to 2006. Beginning from 1990 worker come to Dubai with little increase, from 1990 to 1994 they increased about 20 thousand but after that from 1994 to 2000 had little decrease to about 10 thousand.
Although, the graph also shows worker from Canada. First of all, the period from 1990 to 1992 shows a little increase of about 5 thousand. After that, period they rose sharply from 2002 to 2004 they decreased about 10 thousand but after that they increased again.
In summaries, the number of worker in Dubai increased. However, they seem to meet in number in 2006 and maybe be the same in the future.  

Etisalat blocks- Argument 1

In the UAE, many websites are block for many reasons like religions, sexual and violence. However, do etisalat or the government need to block so, many website? This essay will examine the pros and cons of etsalat blocks internet access to website.
There are several argument in favors of blocks websites. The first point is that it helps family to protect their kids from sexual or violent websites. Another point is that this protects your computer. For example, if they not blocks many websites that will destroy your computer by virus or hacking. Final point is that some websites their goal is corruption and that in against UAE policy.
However, there are many far more convincing argument against block websites. The first point is they educate people. For example, many people want to learn about sexy but because of block websites they cannot learn things. Another reason is to know about other culture, if etisalat blocks website from South America we cannot learn. Final point is freedom, many people want to have freedom to move from website to other freely and can take responsibility for that.
In the end, block website or not both have advantage. However, l believes that block website is better because we can protect our family’s.

الخميس، 19 مايو 2011

Using mobile while driving

Many people think using mobile phone while you drive is dangerous and could affect other people. On other hand, many people think using mobile phone is alright. This essay will examine the pros and cons of using mobile while driving.
First of all, there are many points I could use for making talking on mobiles while you drive illegal. The first point is that you are not focus on a street. For instance, while you drive and use mobile phone, that could be cause of huge accident. Second argument is hearing bad news. For example, if you hear bad news you might get angry and get distracted. The last argue is that you can drive too fast. While you are talking on the phone it is easy to drive too fast.
Although, there are several ideas which could make using mobile phone use legal while you driving. The first point is the emergency situation. For instance, in case of an emergency you need to call somebody for help. Another point is using maps. For instance, if you need to use the map application on your phone, you need to see the screen. Finally, businessmen might use the phone for important calls.
In summary, both argument have advantages, but l prefer to make using mobile phone use illegal while you drive.

الأربعاء، 13 أبريل 2011

Children Watching TV

Many people all over the world believes that children watch far too much T.V and that can affect on children in many way. In this essay, l will describe some causes of watch is T.V for long time, and l will suggest some solutions to this problem.
First of all, there are several reasons why we have the problem of children watch for long time. First reason is that can effects on their eyes. I saw a survey on children watch TV and over 40% percents had eye problems on long term. Another reason is that can be obesity in future. For example, if they stay in home for 5 hours each day without movement, sure that can effect on them to be obesity. Final reason is that effect on their communicate with other people.
Although these problems are very serious, we can take some steps to solve the problem. In my opinion, we must educate their parents. Also, we can organize their schedule by put on 1 hour for watch TV.
In the end, watch TV is a big problem because of the effect on children in many ways. We can solve this by educate their parents. I hope that we act now before it is too late.

Obesity in the UAE

Obesity in the UAE is a big problem for many reasons. More than half of UAE populations are overweight. Overall, let me tell you about obesity causes and in the UAE and solutions.

Obesity in the UAE is caused by three things in my point is diet, lifestyle and education. Unfortunately, our traditional food are full of fat, which mean we eat it every day and that  causes obesity, also many diseases. Another problem which can causes obesity is lifestyle we choose. Many people in the UAE like desk work, which means less movement and that affects on their body. Also, exercise is not popular especially when men get married. The last problem is that education. Like when I said about traditional food is full of fat, but few peoples know about it which means their lack of education about healthy food especially children.
There are many things that can do about these problems. Firstly, parents or schools must be aware that there children eat right also old people. Encourage people to eat in healthy restaurants instead fast food restaurants. Maybe some people over 200 kg must pay a tax, and teach people the benefit of doing exercise.
In summary, obesity can cause many diseases like government must deal with it and create more awareness for people and for society.

Accidens in UAE

Accidents in UAE are major problems. More than 60 percent have accidents ever year. Overall, l will tell you problems, and cause of accidents also includes the solutions.
Stating with a major problem that cause accident is that traffic jams. In last few years, capital AD and Dubai had big problem with traffic jams because of that they have few of accident. Second problem is that speeding in streets. For a long time young people were dead because the drive with high speed over 200KM also do not care about other people and their lives. The last problem is that increase number of cars. Which mean when you have over 2000 cars on highway that can cause huge accidents
There are several things that can be done about these problems. From my viewpoint, government must open more driving schools and teach the public about drive system and safely. Another solution is that increase the fins to decrease accidents.
In summary, there are several things that the government can do to decrease accidents. However, we must educate them to decrease accidents.

Spending on Leisure products in the UK by age group

The two pie charts show spending on leisure products in the UK by age group. Overall, both group like electronic equipment but with different percentages.
First. Electronic equipment is the best way to spend your money by more than one third spending on sport has different percentage because first group is young people whereas the old people who spend less, spending gardening   the first group was 7% and second was 16 percent, which mean younger people like more active things. Photography is rare hobbies could both group like or spend their money on it. in the last, both group like to read , buy books  and magazines with different percentage.
In the end, electronic equipment is largest percent also younger people spend more money on sport equipment.

الثلاثاء، 8 فبراير 2011

Reasons for choosing Universilty

  The chart shows 11 reasons why first year students from overseas chose a particular university. The survey of 1,000 first year overseas students was carried out at universities in the UK. The top three reasons are language of tuition, quality of teachers, and up-to-date teaching facilities.
  According to the graph, the main reason is the language. At 95 percent of the sample, it was the main reason most students gave for choosing a university. The second biggest factor was quality of teachers, at 90%, followed by facilities, also at 90%.
  Non-teaching factors were also important. Costs of tuition were quoted as a reason by 75%, and location was mentioned by 70% of students. The cost of accommodation is also an important factor for 80% of respondents. Almost two-thirds of students said that the friendliness of the university was important.
  In conclusion the various factors can be divided into two groups, namely those related to teaching and non-teaching related. However, the most important are the language and the teachers.

Water Use in Gulf Countries 2000

The chart compares the water uses in Gulf countries in 2000. The general trend in all 6 countries was that water for agriculture and domestic uses were the two most important uses. Water for industrial use was the least important use.
In four of the six countries, water for agriculture was the most important use. In Qatar, Oman, the UAE and Saudi Arabia more than 2 times the amount of water was used for agriculture compared to domestic use which was the second most important use. In the other two countries, Bahrain and Kuwait, domestic use was the most important use and agriculture was the second most important use. In all six countries industrial use was the least important use.
In conclusion we can see that in 2000 industrial use was not as important as domestic use or agriculture in these 6 Gulf countries.

الثلاثاء، 4 يناير 2011

Bang goes the bus stops

I was going to post a letter when I heard a loud across the street. There was a micro bus crashed into a small bus stop station. The people were terrified by the horror of bus accident because there were children seating on young chairs in the small bus station. Were accustomed to waiting for the bus every day driving them to their homes after the long school day. In the minute that bus stop and calmed me and tow others men where near the bus crash ran to help the children who hear their screams from under the wreckage of the accident.
After we rushed to the scene of the incident we began to try to move the debris accumulated over the children to help them got out safely. There was a large piece amatol lies above threat of children undammed. We could not move it, because it was very heavy. Not only that but also we were abraded. The pierce were carried all the debris of the crash and children were under it, so if we made any simple mistake we could harm the innocent children. More men came to help us and we start to remove the debris of the crash from the big martial piece. Until nothing left. In this momeamt police car came and started to help us and if the and we remove it and took the children.